Fundraising & Events


Passive fundraising is the easiest way to earn money for Martinez Elementary. Something as simple as doing your normal shopping or placing an order earns funds to go right back supporting your students and their school.

Shopping with the Publix Partners program can earn money for Martinez Elementary. Sign up for an account at Publix and link your account to our school under “My Publix Partner”. 


Every box top you collect is 10 cents for our school. We would love if you ask relatives or friends to help you collect also. If you are new to the box top program, the box top for education website is a great resource to find out what products carry box tops on their packaging.  The website is


It's easy to scan receipts with the new app!
1- Download the app.
2- Buy your products with the logo.
3. Scan your Receipt
4. Earn Cash for your School!
To download the app and more information go to Download the app

Check out these neat name labels from Name Bubbles! Labeling your child's belongings will help them keep track of items with ease. Using this link 20% of the cost will come back to Martinez PTO! Just click the image above & it`ll take you directly to our link! Happy Shopping!